Kalevala translations in Lönnrot’s lifetime

Elias Lönnrot. Kuva: Wikipedia.

Elias Lönnrot. Image: Wikipedia.

It is somehow fascinating to think that Elias Lönnrot (1802–1884) himself was there to witness how the Kalevala, that he had compiled, started its journey into different world languages. However, it was not anything that happened by chance. When the epic was first published, it was considered important that it was translated, and this aim was actively supported at the time.

The first complete translation of the first version of the Kalevala, that was ready for publication was the Swedish translation of the so called Old Kalevala by M. A. Castrén in 1841; the earliest complete translation of the New Kalevala is the one by A. Schiefner from 1852.

The Kalevala was translated into different languages during Lönnrot’s life. The translations were made in the following order: Swedish, Estonian, Hungarian, French, English, Russian, German and Italian.


Year Language Translator Translation
1835 Kalewala, taikka wanhoja Karjalan runoja Suomen kansan muinosista ajoista (nk. Vanha Kalevala) ilmestyy
1835 Swedish C. N. Keckman A raw translation of the Kalevala (not published)
1840 Estonian N. D. H. Mühlberg The first 20 verses of the 1st runo of the Kalevala
n. 1841 Swedish A. Poppius A poetic translation of the Kalevala (not published)
1841 Swedish M. A. Castrén Kalevala
1841 Hungarian A. Reguly Translation drafts (not published)
1845 French L. Léouzon Le Duc La Finlande. Son histoire primitive, sa Mythologie, sa Poésie épique avec la traduction complète de sa grande épopée.
1846 English C. F. Henningsen Extracts from the Kalevala (not published)
1847 Russian A. M. Öhman An account of the content of the Kalevala
1849 Kalevala (the so called New Kalevala) is published
1850 Swedish C. G. Borg Kullervo-poems 31–36
1852 Swedish C. G. Borg Lemminkäinen poems 11–15 ja 26–30
1852 German A. Schiefner (the first whole translation of the New Kalevala)
1857 Swedish K. Collan Ilmarinens Bröllop, Episod ur Kalevala
1864–1868 Swedish K. Collan Kalevala. Efter andra original-upplagan ofversatt af K. Collan. I–II
1867 French L. Léouzon Le Duc A prose translation of the New Kalevala
1868 English J. A. Porter Selections from the Kalevala
1871 Hungarian F. Barna Kalevala: a finnek nemzeti eposza
1875 Swedish R. Hertzberg Kalevala berättad för ungdom
1879 Hungarian K. E. Újfalvy von Mezőkövesd Partial translation (not published)
1880 Russian S. W. Hellgren Pesni o Kullerve
1881 Italian Tozzetti Translation of the 37th poem of the Kalevala
1881 Russian S. W. Hellgren Pesni pro Aino
1881 Russian E. Granström An account of the plot of the Kalevala
1883 Estonian M. J. Eisen A short account of the plot of the Kalevala
1884 Swedish R. Hertzberg A poetic translation of the Kalevala