The first Turkish translations of the Kalevala were excerpts. The first, unpublished translations, that we know of were done by Hilmi Ziya Ûlken in 1917. The translations by Ömer Seyfett, who was an author, were published in 1922 in the magazine Türk Yurdu Mecmuasi. The next translated excerpts were written by the author M. Tahir Alangu in 1945. A complete Turkish translation of the Kalevala was published by Mrs Lâle Obuz (previously Liisa Partanen) and senator Muammar Obuz (1914–1991) in 1965 and 1966.

Riitta Cankoçak: Kalevala Fin Halk Destanı
Riitta Cankoçak is a Finnish-Turkish freelance artist. She was born…